캔버라 대학 옆 최고의 개발사가 함께하는 럭셔리 아파트 단지 분양!
새로운 Town Center in Belconnen지역!
개발사 : Geocon
주소: Eastern Valley Way. Belconnen ACT
현재 Canberra에서 가장 각광받는 지역!
예상 완공 2020년 초-중순.
1bed From $283,000 with no car space,
1bed From $350,000 with car space,
2 bed From$465,000 with car space
카페,바,식당,쇼핑센타,대학,스포츠시설, 호수가 등 Canberra의 랜드마크가 되어 가고 있는 지역
- Westfield까지 도보 5 분
- Bus역 및 향후 라이트 레일 도보 약2분
- 캔버라 도심까지 차량으로 약15분
- 세계 탑 랭킹 21위 호주 국립 대학교까지 차량 약7분
- 캔버라대학 도보로 약5분
- 한인타운 Gungahlin 차량으로 약15분
- 종합변원 차량 약10분
- 캔버라공항에서 차량으로 약20분
약 7 %의 총 임대 수익률
약 1.3 % 캔버라 종합 임대 공실률,
2015-16 인프라 투자 프로그램에서 ACT주에 향후 4 년간 $ 2.8 BILLION 정부 자본 투자발표.
$1,000로 7days동안 Reserve후 5%로 계약 가능.
(잔금은 Settlement에 지불 가능.)
Best Regards
Dong Woo KIM(James)Sales Executive
Mob: 0401 093 385
The numbers speak for themselves.
Canberra is growing up fast, as it
continues to evolve into a vibrant and
modern city. It today boasts one of the
most dynamic property markets anywhere in Australia.
$234 MILLION ACT Government Urban Renewal
Program currently underway. www.apps.treasury.act.gov.au/__data/assets/
EDUCATED WORKFORCE ACT population produces
$90 of value added per hour vs National
average of $75 per hour. www.investcanberra.com/media/6814/
9.3 MILLION Projected passengers per annum
at Canberra Airport by 2033/34 (vs 2.9 million in 2013/14).
www.canberraairport.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/ Chapter-5-Airline-and-aircraft-movement-growth.pdf
1.3% Canberra Overall Rental Vacancy
Rate, March 2017 (second lowest in
Australia). www.allhomes.com.au/news/snapshot-canberravacancy-rates-still-tight-for-tenants-20160811-gqpkx4
3RD BEST CITY Canberra named Lonely
Planet’s third best city in the world to visit in 2018. www.canberratimes.com.au/act-news/canberranamed-lonely-planets-third-best-city-in-the-world-to-visitin-2018-20171024-gz6xji.html
1.3% House prices in Canberra jumped 0.6% in September, while across the last
quarter prices rose by 1.3% www.canberratimes.com.au/act-news/canberrahouse-prices-show-steady-growth-as-sydney-valuesfall-20171002-gysn63.html
$2.8 BILLION ACT Government capital
investment announced over the next four
years in the 2015-16 Infrastructure Investment Program.
a higher percentage of its population studying at university than any other
city in Australia. It also ranks in the Top 21 university cities in the world according to the QS student city
rankings. www.studycbr.com.au/learn
1 MILLION ACT population forecast to 2050
with an average annual growth for
Canberra of 0.95% vs Australian average of 0.66% p.a.
7% 7% gross rental yields achievable based
on rental projections.